ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1917 Russian Constituent Assembly election

Okay kiddo, in 1917 the people of Russia wanted to choose who would lead their country. It was called an election, kind of like when we vote for our class president in school.

But there were different groups of people who wanted to be in charge: the Bolsheviks (who were communists), the Mensheviks (who were socialists), and the Kadets (who were liberals).

So they had an election to see which group would have the most votes and get to run the country. But things didn't go as planned.

The Bolsheviks didn't get as many votes as they wanted, so they didn't like the results. They tried to cancel the election and take power by force.

This made some people very upset and there were protests and fights in the streets. Eventually, the Bolsheviks were able to take over and start their own government without the other groups.

Some people still think it wasn't fair and wish that the election had gone differently. But now we can learn from what happened and try to make sure that elections are free and fair for everyone.