ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


In 1934, a long time ago, some people who were in charge of the government and laws in the United States decided to create new rules about the way banks and money worked. Before then, some banks were doing things that were not fair to the people who put their money in them. The new rules were meant to make sure that banks were being fair and not taking advantage of people's money. This was important because if banks were not trustworthy, people would not want to invest or save their money there. This new law was called the Banking Act of 1934, and it created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which meant that if a person's money was in a bank that went out of business, the government would make sure they got their money back. This made people feel more secure about their money and trust banks more.

In addition to this new law, there were also some important things happening in the world. Many people were very poor because there were not enough jobs for everyone. So, the government created a program called the New Deal to try to help people who were struggling. The New Deal was meant to create jobs, build new things, and help people who did not have a lot of money. It was a big change for the country, but many people were happy that the government was trying to help them. Overall, 1934 was a year when the government was trying to make life better for people by creating new rules and new programs to help them.