ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1955 Great Plains tornado outbreak

Okay kiddo, so a really long time ago in 1955, there was something called a tornado outbreak that happened in an area of the United States called the Great Plains.

Now, a tornado is like a really, really strong wind that spins around really fast and can knock over trees, buildings, and anything in its path. When there are a whole bunch of these tornadoes happening at the same time, we call it a tornado outbreak.

During the 1955 Great Plains tornado outbreak, there were a total of 47 tornadoes reported! That's a lot! These tornadoes caused a lot of damage to homes and buildings, and unfortunately, some people were hurt or injured.

But, even though this was a really scary event, it helped scientists learn more about tornadoes and how they form. Now, we have better ways to predict tornadoes and warn people ahead of time so they can stay safe.

So, even though the 1955 Great Plains tornado outbreak was a really tough time, it helped us learn and become better at dealing with natural disasters.