ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1973 Uruguayan coup d'état

In Uruguay in 1973, some people who were in charge of running the country decided that they wanted to take complete control and not let anyone else have a say in what happened. They did this by using their power and force to overthrow the government that was currently in charge. This change in control is what is called a coup d'état.
During the coup, a group of soldiers and police officers took over the government buildings and arrested many people who they believed might get in their way. They also did not allow the citizens of Uruguay to have any kind of voice or say in the government. This new group that had taken over did not want to hear any different opinions, and they did not want to share their power with anyone else.
The effects of this coup were severe because the new government was not interested in protecting people's rights or freedoms. They arrested and tortured many people who were opposed to them, and they did not allow free speech or the freedom to assemble.
For many years, the people of Uruguay were afraid and could not express their opinions openly. It was only when a new government took power years later that things began to change and people could finally begin to express themselves freely again.