ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1991 Darwin

In 1991, people were talking a lot about a man named Charles Darwin. He was a very famous scientist who came up with a very important idea called the Theory of Evolution.

Now, let's imagine that you have a backyard with lots of different plants and animals. Some animals have long legs, some have big ears, and some have bright feathers. Some plants have big leaves, some have thorns, and some smell really nice.

Charles Darwin noticed that some of the animals and plants that lived in a certain place were really good at surviving and having babies. He called this "natural selection." Basically, the animals and plants that were better suited to live in that place were the ones that got to pass on their traits, or characteristics, to their babies. For example, if there were birds that had long legs and they lived in an area with lots of tall grass, those birds would be able to find food more easily than birds with short legs. And if those long-legged birds had babies, some of those babies would also have long legs, which would give them an advantage too.

Darwin also noticed that over time, these traits could add up and create new species. So, maybe after many, many years of the long-legged birds having babies, a new species of bird with even longer legs could evolve.

This was a really big idea and it helped people understand how animals and plants change over time. It wasn't a new topic in 1991, but it was still very important in the world of science and it had a big impact on how we think about biology, genetics, and even our own evolution as humans.