ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1992 Los Angeles riots

In 1992, a very big event happened in Los Angeles, which caused a lot of problems and made many people very angry. A man named Rodney King was driving a car, and he did something that made the police officers angry, so they stopped him and hit him many times with sticks called batons. This was not right, and many people saw what happened on the news and video, and they became very upset about it.

After that, lots of people started to protest and march in the streets to show that they were angry about what happened to Rodney King. However, some people became very violent and began to break windows, loot stores, and set buildings on fire. This was called a riot, and it lasted for many days.

During the riots, people were hurt, and many buildings burned down. People were very scared, and the police had to work very hard to try and stop the fighting and bring calm back to the city. It was a very sad and difficult time for everyone.

After the riot was over, people started to talk about what happened and how to make sure that something like this never happens again. It was a very important lesson for everyone that we must treat people with kindness and respect, no matter what their race or background may be.