ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1999 Baltimore Orioles – Cuban national baseball team exhibition series

Okay kiddo, so in 1999, the Baltimore Orioles baseball team had a special game against a team all the way from Cuba. Now, Cuba is a country that's kind of far away from us, and they have their own special baseball teams that we don't get to see play very often.

So, the Baltimore Orioles wanted to give their fans a cool experience and invited the Cuban national baseball team to play against them. It was kind of like a big show where people could come and watch these two teams play.

Now, this was a really big deal because the United States and Cuba didn't always get along very well. In fact, there were a lot of rules and restrictions about what people from the United States could and couldn't do in Cuba, and vice versa. But the Orioles and the Cuban team were able to work out an agreement so that they could play this one special game together.

The game itself was really exciting! Both teams played their hardest, and the crowd cheered and clapped as they watched. Even though the Cuban team was from a different country and had a different way of playing baseball, the Orioles were still able to communicate with them and make friends.

Overall, the game was a really special moment for everyone involved. It showed that even though different countries might not always agree on everything, we can still come together and have fun playing a game of baseball.