ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1st & Ten (graphics system)

1st & ten is a computer system that shows a line on a TV screen during a football game that says where the team needs to go to get a first down. Think of it like the finish line in a race!

The line is generated by special cameras that are placed around the football field. These cameras take pictures of the field and a computer system that runs 1st & ten uses those pictures to figure out where the players are on the field and how far they need to go to get to the finish line.

The computer also knows where the ball is and can tell if a player has gone past the finish line. If the player has gone past the finish line, the line on the TV screen will move to show where the new finish line is.

1st & ten can also show other things on the TV screen like arrows to show where the ball is going or where a player is moving. The system helps people watching the football game understand what is going on by making it easy to see how far the team needs to go to get the first down.