ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2004 in Iraq

Okay kiddo, let me explain 2004 in Iraq to you.

So you know how there was a big war in Iraq that started in 2003? Well, in 2004, the war was still going on and things were really tough. There were a lot of soldiers from different countries fighting in Iraq, including a lot of soldiers from the United States.

One of the biggest things that happened in 2004 was something called the Battle of Fallujah. Fallujah is a city in Iraq, and there were a lot of bad guys there who were fighting against the soldiers. The soldiers needed to take the city back, but it was really, really hard. The bad guys had a lot of weapons and they were really good at fighting.

Another big thing that happened in 2004 was when some really bad people kidnapped and killed a man named Nick Berg. He was just a regular guy who was in Iraq to try to help people. It was really sad and a lot of people were really angry about it.

There were also a lot of other battles and attacks during 2004 that made things really hard for the soldiers and the people of Iraq. But even though it was really tough, the soldiers kept working hard to try to make things better.

Overall, 2004 in Iraq was a really difficult year because there was a lot of fighting and violence. But even in the midst of all the bad things happening, there were still some people trying to do good and help others.