ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


2005 was a year, just like how you have a birthday every year! It was a time when people used phones that didn't have touch screens and laptops that were much thicker and heavier than they are now.

In 2005, people were talking about a lot of things. Some people were worried about something called "global warming," which means the Earth is getting too hot because of things people do, like using cars that create pollution. Other people were excited about a new website called YouTube that lets you watch funny videos online.

This was also the year that some countries, like Iraq and Afghanistan, were in big wars. People were trying to make peace, but it was very difficult. Many people were also helping one another after a big natural disaster called Hurricane Katrina hit the southern United States.

But in all, 2005 was just one year out of many, and a lot of things happened that year, both good and bad.