ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2005 CIA interrogation videotapes destruction

Do you remember when you drew a picture that you didn't like, and you crumpled it up and threw it away? The CIA did something kind of like that, but with important videotapes.

In 2005, the CIA was questioning people who they thought might know important information about bad things that might happen. They wanted to know what those people knew, so they used something called "interrogation" to try and get them to talk. This means they asked them lots of questions and did things that some people think are not very nice to try and get them to tell the truth.

While they were doing this, the CIA recorded some of the interrogations on video. That way, they could watch the recordings later and try to learn more from them. But, later on, some people started to say that maybe the way the CIA was doing these interrogations was not very nice, and maybe even against the rules.

So, some people wanted to see the videotapes to make sure that everything was done fairly and by the rules. But, the CIA didn't give them the tapes. In fact, the CIA destroyed the tapes! That means they got rid of them, like if you crumpled up your drawing and threw it away.

Some people weren't very happy about this because they thought it was important to have those videotapes to make sure everything was done correctly. The CIA said they destroyed the tapes because they were worried that the people being interrogated might be in danger if the tapes were ever seen by other people. But, not everyone believes that was the real reason they got rid of the tapes.