ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2005 Nineveh governorate election

In 2005, there was a big vote in a place called Nineveh (pronounced "Nin-eh-veh"). People who live there got to choose who would be in charge of the area, kind of like a boss or a leader.

The people who wanted to be in charge made plans and talked to lots of people to try to get them to vote for them. They promised to do things like make the area safer, build roads, and make sure everyone had enough food and water.

When it was time to vote, people went to special places called polling stations to mark a piece of paper with who they wanted to be in charge. Then, the people in charge of counting all the votes added them up and announced who won.

Overall, the Nineveh governorate election was a big moment for the people who live there to have a say in who would lead them and help make their area a better place to live.