ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, kiddo, let me tell you about the year 2006. It was a year like any other, with 365 days in it.

In 2006, a lot of things happened in the world. Scientists discovered some new species of animals, like a type of monkey that was really cute. A movie came out about a car that could talk, called Cars, and it became really popular.

In the United States, people were talking a lot about immigration. That means that some people want to come to the United States from other countries, but not everyone thinks they should be allowed to. People were arguing about what to do about it, and some people got really upset about it.

Also in 2006, there were some big natural disasters. That means things like hurricanes and earthquakes that happen naturally, and can hurt a lot of people. Some big hurricanes hit places like Louisiana and Mississippi, causing a lot of damage and making people get sick.

Overall, 2006 was a pretty normal year, with some good things happening and some bad things happening too.