ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2008 amendments to the Constitution of Russia

Okay, so imagine you have a set of rules for your playground. These rules are like the Constitution of Russia, which is a set of rules for how Russia works. Now, sometimes grown-ups might want to change these rules, just like how grown-ups might change the rules on the playground.

In 2008, some grown-ups in Russia wanted to change some of the rules in the Constitution. They thought that some changes would help make the country stronger and they wanted to give more power to the President, who is like the head grown-up in charge of the country.

One of the changes they made was to allow the President to serve more terms in office. Normally, the President could only serve for two terms, like how you can only be the line leader for one week at a time. But with the new changes, the President can serve for more than two terms if they want to.

Another change they made was to give more power to the President. Before, the President had to ask for permission from other grown-ups before making some decisions. But now, the President can make decisions without asking other grown-ups first.

Some people in Russia thought these changes were good, but other people thought they were not fair. They thought that giving the President more power could be a problem because it might make the President too powerful and take away some of the power from other grown-ups.

So, just like how you might argue with your friends about the rules on the playground, grown-ups in Russia have different opinions about these changes to their Constitution.