ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2010 Jupiter impact event

Hello there! Do you know what Jupiter is? It's a really big planet in our solar system. And in 2010, something really exciting and rare happened. A comet, which is like a big space snowball, crashed into Jupiter!

Now, imagine you have a basketball, and then you throw a really big rock at it. It would make a big boom, right? Well, that's what happened when the comet hit Jupiter. It made a giant explosion, kind of like a really big firework. Scientists were really excited about this, because they got to study and learn more about Jupiter's atmosphere.

They used special telescopes and cameras to watch the explosion and see what happened afterwards. They learned that the explosion was so big, it created a really tall cloud of smoke and gas. This cloud was even bigger than Earth! And it lasted for a few months before it eventually disappeared.

Overall, the 2010 Jupiter impact event was a really cool and special moment in space exploration. It helped us learn more about Jupiter and how it reacts to things hitting it. It's kind of like when you explore and discover new things at school - scientists are doing the same thing in space!