ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2010 student protest in Dublin

Okay kiddo, let me explain the 2010 student protest in Dublin to you.

So, in 2010, there were a lot of students who were really upset about how much money they had to pay for university. They thought it was too expensive and they wanted it to be cheaper.

They decided to have a protest to show how they felt. A protest is when a group of people get together and march or make signs to show what they believe in.

So, the students got together and planned a protest to happen on the streets of Dublin. They walked around and chanted things like “Education should be free!” and “Stop raising tuition fees!”.

But things got a little bit out of hand. Some of the students started throwing rocks and bottles at the police, which is not an okay thing to do. The police had to use pepper spray and batons to try to control the crowd.

Eventually, the protest ended and some of the students got in trouble for their behavior.

So the protestors were upset about how much money they had to pay for university and they had a protest, but some of them got in trouble for being violent towards the police.