ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2013 Mumbai gang rape

In 2013, there was a very terrible incident that happened in Mumbai, which is a city in India. This incident is called the Mumbai gang rape.

Now, a gang is a group of people who do bad things together. In this case, there were six people who were part of the gang. They were all grown-ups, but they did something very wrong. They hurt a lady who was just living her life and trying to go home.

You see, this lady was just like any other person. She had hopes and dreams, and she wanted to be safe. But one day, she got on a bus to go home, and these six men were also on that bus. Instead of being helpful or kind, these men did something terrible. They attacked the lady and hurt her in a very bad way.

This made a lot of people really sad and angry. It is not okay to hurt anyone, especially when they are just minding their own business and trying to live their life. People wanted justice for this lady and for these men to be punished for what they did.

The police in Mumbai started to investigate and catch these men. They looked for any evidence that could help them find the truth about what happened. They talked to people who were there, and they gathered information to help with the investigation.

Eventually, the police caught all of the men who were responsible for the gang rape. They were arrested, which means that they were taken by the police and put in jail. This was an important step because it showed that the law does not allow for such bad actions to go unpunished.

Unfortunately, this incident brought attention to a big problem that exists in our world. There are some people who think it's okay to hurt other people, especially women. This is called gender-based violence, and it's really wrong.

So, when we hear about incidents like the 2013 Mumbai gang rape, it reminds us that we need to do better. We need to treat everyone with kindness, respect, and love, no matter who they are or where they come from. And if someone does something wrong, we have to make sure they are held accountable for their actions, just like what happened with those men in Mumbai.