ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2013 protests in Brazil

Okay, imagine you have a lot of toys, but your parents only let you play with a few of them. You might start to feel frustrated and like you're not being treated fairly, right?

Well, that's kind of how a lot of people in Brazil were feeling in 2013. They felt like their government was only taking care of a few people and not doing enough for everyone else. This made lots of people angry and they wanted to do something about it.

So, they decided to have a big gathering, kind of like when you have a playdate with your friends. But instead of playing, they were protesting, which means they were saying things like "we want things to change!" and "we want everyone to be treated equally!"

Lots of people came to these gatherings, and they marched through the streets to show the government that they wanted things to improve. Some people were really upset, and they even threw things and broke some stuff. But most people were peaceful and just wanted to be heard.

The protests lasted for a while, and they were happening in lots of different parts of Brazil. The government listened and started to make some changes, like doing more to help poor people and making it easier to get medical care.

So, even though the protests might have seemed scary or confusing, they were actually a way for people to speak up and make their country a better place for everyone.