ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2014 Badaun gang rape

The 2014 Badaun gang rape refers to a very sad and terrible incident that happened in a place called Badaun in India. Rape means when a person forces another person to do something that they don't want to do, like having sex. In this case, it was a very terrible situation because not just one person but a group of men hurt and forced two girls who were very young and not even adults yet.

Badaun is a small place in India where these girls lived. One evening, they went out to use the bathroom in a field because they didn't have one at their house. But when they were there, some very bad men came and took them away forcefully.

These bad men did very horrible things to the girls and hurt them very badly, which is why it is called a gang rape. It means that more than one person did this terrible thing to the girls at the same time.

After the incident, the girls were found and they were in a very bad condition. They were taken to the hospital, but unfortunately, they couldn't survive the injuries they had. It was a very sad and heart-breaking situation because they were just young girls who had their whole lives ahead of them.

This incident became very famous and people all around the country got very angry and sad when they heard about it. They wanted justice for these young girls, which means that they wanted the men who did this to be punished for the horrible things they did.

Investigations were done to find out who the bad men were and to make sure they face the consequences of their actions. It was discovered that the girls belonged to a lower-caste community, which means that they were not treated fairly because of their background. This made the people even angrier because everyone should be treated with respect and dignity, no matter where they come from or what their background is.

The incident was a wake-up call for the government and the society that something needed to be done to make sure such terrible things don't happen again. There were protests and discussions about the safety and protection of women and girls in India.

As a result, there were changes made to the laws to make them stricter and to provide better protection for women and girls. People started talking about the importance of educating everyone about consent and respecting each other's boundaries. It made everyone realize that it is important to create a safe and secure environment for everyone, especially for girls and women.

Overall, the 2014 Badaun gang rape was a very sad and upsetting incident where two young girls were hurt and lost their lives. It was a reminder to everyone that we need to work together to create a world where everyone is treated with respect and nobody has to go through such terrible experiences.