ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2014 unrest in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about something that happened in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the year 2014. Do you know what a protest is? It is when a group of people come together to show that they are unhappy about something and want it to change. So, there was a big protest in Bosnia and Herzegovina because people were unhappy with the government and the way things were going in their country.

Many years ago, Bosnia and Herzegovina had a big war and people from different groups fought against each other. After the war, the country became divided and still had problems with different groups getting along. The government was not helping to solve these problems and people felt like they were not being represented.

The protest was a way for people to show the government that they needed to listen and do something to make things better. However, the protest turned into unrest when people started to fight with the police and destroy things in the streets. This made the situation even more dangerous and caused a lot of damage.

Thankfully, after several days of unrest, the government finally listened to the people's demands and made some changes. They started to work on making the country more united and trying to fix some of the problems that had been ignored before. It was a difficult time, but it showed that when people come together and speak up, things can change for the better.