ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2018 British Columbia electoral reform referendum

Okay, so in British Columbia (a place in Canada), they wanted to decide if they should change the way people vote in elections. Right now, people vote by picking one person from a list of people running for office. But some people think this might not be the best way to do it.

So, they held a vote to ask people what they think about this. This is called a referendum. It’s like when you have a vote in class to decide what game you want to play during recess. In this vote, people got to pick between two options: keep the same way of voting or switch to a different way called proportional representation.

Proportional representation means that instead of just picking one person, people get to pick a group of people who they think would do the best job. The group would be made up of a bunch of different people who represent different views and ideas. This way, everyone’s vote would count and there would be more choices for people to choose from.

A lot of people talked about this and some liked the idea of proportional representation, while others wanted to stick with the way things were. In the end, more people voted to keep the same way of voting, so things will stay the way they are for now.

So, the referendum was a way for people to have a say in how they want to vote in the future. It’s like asking for everyone’s opinion before you make a big decision.