Okay, so you know how when you play with your toys, some of them need batteries to work? And sometimes when you ask for new toys, they might have screens or buttons that you can touch to play games or watch videos?
Well, those toys need something called a "chip" to make them work. A chip is a really tiny piece of material that has all the instructions and commands to tell the toy what to do.
But, a lot of people around the world want new toys and gadgets all the time, so companies have to make a lot of chips to put in those toys.
Unfortunately, some things happened in the world that made it really difficult for the companies to make enough chips. There was a big virus called COVID-19 that made a lot of people get sick. Because of this, many people couldn't go to work and some factories had to close.
Also, a lot of people stayed home way more than usual and started buying more things online. So, all the toys and gadgets that needed chips became even more popular.
Because it was harder to make chips and more people wanted them, the companies couldn't keep up with the demand. That's why there is a shortage of chips right now, which means it's harder to find toys and gadgets that need chips to work.
But don't worry, the companies are working really hard to make more chips and hopefully we'll have plenty for everyone soon!