ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2020s in fashion

Okay kiddo, let me tell you what's happening in the world of fashion in the 2020s! So, just like how you love to dress up in your favorite clothes that are in style, adults do that too, but they call it fashion. Fashion is always changing and it's always fun to keep up with the new trends!

Now, in the 2020s, some of the biggest trends you'll see are things like sustainability and inclusivity. That means designers and clothing brands are trying to make clothes that not only look good, but are also good for the environment and can be worn by everyone, no matter what their body type or skin color is.

Another big trend is streetwear. Have you ever seen people wearing really cool and casual clothes with big logos and colorful patterns? That's streetwear! It's super popular right now and a lot of brands are making clothes with that style.

And finally, one more trend is going back in time! People are starting to wear clothes that were popular in the 90s and even the 80s. So, you might see some bright colors, crop tops, and funky patterns that your parents or grandparents might remember wearing.

But remember, fashion is all about expressing yourself and having fun, so wear whatever makes you feel confident and happy!