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2021 Canadian census

The Canadian census is a big survey that the government does every five years to learn more about the people who live in Canada. Think of it like a giant headcount or a check-in where the government asks people questions about things like how many people live in their house, how old they are, what languages they speak, and what jobs they have.

The 2021 Canadian census is the newest one happening this year. It's important for a few reasons. First, having accurate information about the people who live in Canada helps the government make decisions about things like where to build new schools, hospitals, or roads. Second, the census tells us about how our population is growing or changing. For example, if the government notices that more people are speaking languages other than English or French, they might offer more language classes to help people learn.

Everyone who lives in Canada must fill out the census because it helps the government get an accurate picture of who is living here. They can fill it out online or on a paper form. Some people might find the questions a little tricky, but if you're not sure what to put, just ask someone for help.

Once everything is all done, the government will look at all the answers and use them to create reports and statistics to help make Canada a better place for everyone to live.