ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2021 in jazz

Hello there! Jazz is a type of music that people have been playing for a really, really long time. In 2021, there are still many musicians who love to play jazz and share their music with everyone else.

It's kind of like when you play with your toys or games at home, and you sometimes make up new ways to play or create new things. Jazz musicians are really good at doing that with music. They might take a song that you already know and change it up with new melodies or rhythms, or they might make a totally new song from scratch.

One thing that's really cool about jazz is that it can sound different every time you listen to it. The musicians might change things up every time they play, so it's never exactly the same as before. They might be playing a trumpet, piano, drums, or any other instruments that can all come together to make some great jazz music.

Even though 2021 has been a strange year with a lot of changes, jazz musicians are still finding ways to share their music with others. Some are performing live in small concerts, while others are recording their music so people can listen to it at home or on the go.

So, that's jazz in 2021! It's a type of music that people still love to play and listen to, and even though things have been a little different this year, musicians are still finding ways to keep jazz alive.
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