ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

23880 Tongil

23880 tongil is a special number that has been used by a group called the Unification Church. It represents a really big event that happened in the world, when a man named Sun Myung Moon got a special message from God.

Now, Sun Myung Moon believed that he was chosen by God to spread messages of peace and love around the world. He wanted to make a big impact and help everyone get along with each other, no matter where they came from or what religion they followed.

So, he came up with the idea of 23880 tongil. This number represents the year 2380 on the lunar calendar, which is a special calendar that some people use to mark important events. Tongil means "unification" in Korean, which is where Sun Myung Moon was from.

The idea behind 23880 tongil is that it represents a time when the world will be unified, meaning that everyone will get along and work together for the good of all people. This is a really big goal, and it may seem impossible, but Sun Myung Moon believed that it could happen if everyone worked together and followed his teachings.

So, whenever someone talks about 23880 tongil, they are talking about this big goal of creating a world where everyone is united and working towards the same things. It may seem like a big dream, but with hard work and dedication, it could become a reality one day.