ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

30th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre

Okay kiddo, so 30 years ago, in a place called Tiananmen Square in Beijing, a lot of people went there to protest. They were unhappy with their government because they wanted more freedom and rights.

The protesters stayed there for many days, sleeping outside and singing songs. People from all over China came to join them. They wanted the government to listen to their demands and make changes.

But, the government didn't like it. They were afraid that the protests would make them look weak in front of the rest of the world. So, they sent soldiers and tanks to stop the protesters.

This made the situation very dangerous. People started to get hurt and some even died. It was a very sad time.

After some time, the government was able to take control of the situation. They declared martial law, which means that they had more power and control over the country. But, the protests and the people's demands didn't go away.

Even after 30 years, people still remember what happened in Tiananmen Square. They called it a massacre because it was a very violent event. Many people lost their lives and the government did not take responsibility or apologize for what happened.

It's important to remember this event because it shows how important it is to have freedom and the ability to speak up for what we believe in. We should always strive to have a government that listens to its people and respects their rights.