ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

3D camcorder

Do you know what a camera is? A 3D camcorder is a special kind of camera that can take pictures and videos that look like they are popping out of the screen!

You know how when you close one eye and then open the other one, things look like they shift a little bit? That's called depth perception. It's what helps you know how far away things are from you. A 3D camcorder can mimic this by taking two pictures or videos at the same time, but from slightly different angles.

Do you know what "stereo" means? It's just a fancy word for something that has to do with both of your ears. When you use your ears to listen to things, you're using stereo sound! With a 3D camcorder, you can get stereo pictures and videos too! That means that it records slightly different images for each of your eyes, and when you watch it later, it'll look like things are actually coming out of the screen at you!

Even though 3D camcorders are cool, they're not used as much anymore because there are other ways to make things look 3D. But they're still fun to use and you can find them at special stores that sell cameras and video equipment!