ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

722 redemption

Okay kiddo, let's talk about something called a "722 redemption." It's a special thing that can happen when people need to fix their car after it's been in an accident.

So here's the deal: when a car is in an accident, it might get really damaged. But if the insurance company doesn't pay enough money to fix it, the person who owns the car might be in trouble. They won't have enough money to fix the car, and they won't be able to use the car anymore.

That's where the 722 redemption comes in. See, 722 is a number that refers to a special section of a law that says some things about bankruptcy. And when someone files for bankruptcy, they might be able to use this 722 process to fix their car.

Basically, the way it works is like this: the person who owns the car can buy it back from the insurance company for a lower amount than what they would normally owe. This is because the car is damaged, and it might not be worth as much as it used to be.

Then, the person can use some of the money they owe in the bankruptcy to fix the car. This way, they can still use the car even though they might be having money problems. It's kind of like a special way to help people get back on their feet.

Of course, there are some rules about how this all works, and it can be pretty complicated. But the important thing to remember is that a 722 redemption is a way to fix a car after an accident, even if someone is having money problems.