Okay kiddo, 8p8c is a special type of connector that we use to connect different things like computers, phones, and even video games.
This connector has eight pins or metal parts that stick out on one side where you can plug in a cable that has eight wires inside. The other side of the connector will usually fit into a port or jack on your device.
When the cable is plugged into both sides of the connector, the pins connect to the wires inside the cable, and this allows information to be sent through the cable between your devices.
It's like having two cups with a string tied between them. When you talk into one cup, the sound travels through the string to the other cup so that the person on the other side can hear you.
In the same way, the 8p8c connector helps devices to communicate with each other by sending information through the wires in the cable. And just like how you need to use the right cup for the sound to travel through the string, you need to use the right cable and connector for your devices to connect properly.
That's pretty much what 8p8c is all about, making sure our devices can talk to each other by using the right type of connector and cable.