Ok kiddo, so let me tell you about a clinical lesson at the Salpêtrière. The Salpêtrière was a big hospital in Paris a long time ago where people went when they were sick or needed help.
During a clinical lesson, the doctors and nurses would gather together and teach each other about how to take care of patients. They would often use real patients to show the other doctors and nurses what to do.
At the Salpêtrière, there was a famous doctor named Dr. Charcot who was very good at treating people with a disease called hysteria. Hysteria made people have strange symptoms like fainting or shaking and they didn't know why.
Dr. Charcot would have these patients come to the clinical lesson and he would show the other doctors and nurses how to diagnose and treat the hysteria. He would also use different techniques to try and make the patients feel better, like hypnotism.
Many people came from all over Europe to watch these clinical lessons because they were so famous. It was a way for doctors and nurses to learn new things and help more people feel better.