ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

A Dialogue Concerning Witches and Witchcrafts

Witches are people who are believed to have special powers, like magic, that they can use to do things like make potions, fly on broomsticks, or cast spells. Some people think that these powers come from things like worshiping the devil or being born with a special gift.

Witchcraft is the name for all of the things that witches do, like casting spells or making potions. Some people believe that witchcraft is a bad thing, and that witches can use their powers to harm other people. Other people believe that it's just a different way of doing things, and that it's not necessarily good or bad.

When people talk about witches and witchcraft, they might have different opinions about whether it's real or not, or whether it's good or bad. Some people might even be afraid of witches or believe that they're dangerous. Overall, it's a complex topic that people have been talking about for thousands of years!