ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

A Perfect Absolution

Okay kiddo, let's talk about a perfect absolution in really simple terms.

Imagine you did something wrong and you feel really bad about it. You might want to say sorry to someone and make things right, but sometimes that's not enough. Sometimes the thing you did is so bad that you need to ask for forgiveness from someone who is very important, like God.

When you go to a priest or pastor to confess your wrongdoings, they might give you something called an absolution. This means they forgive you for what you did wrong, but there are different types of absolutions.

A perfect absolution is when the priest or pastor forgives you completely and takes away all the punishment you would have had. It's like getting a clean slate and starting fresh. It's important to remember that a perfect absolution isn't something you can earn, it's a gift given to you out of love and mercy.

So, getting a perfect absolution means you have made things right with God and can move forward without carrying the weight of your wrongdoing on your shoulders. It's a beautiful thing and can bring a lot of peace and joy to your heart.