ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

A Theory of Justice

Okay kiddo, so let me try to explain this to you. Do you know what justice is? It means being fair and treating everyone the same way. A theory of justice is a big idea that people have been thinking about for a long time, to help make sure that society is fair for everyone.

Imagine that you and your friends are splitting up some candy. You want to make sure that everyone gets the same amount, right? But what if someone has already eaten some of their candy without telling you? Then they might end up with more than everyone else, which would be unfair. This is kind of like what a theory of justice is trying to solve, but on a bigger scale for all of society.

One really important person who thought about this idea was a philosopher named John Rawls. He came up with something called the "veil of ignorance". This means that when thinking about fairness and justice, we should imagine ourselves as if we don't know anything about who we are or where we came from. We don't know if we're rich or poor, black or white, male or female, or anything else that might affect our chances in life.

If we think about society this way, then we'll want to create a system that's fair for everyone, no matter what their situation is. Rawls called this a "just society". He said that in a just society, people would have basic rights and freedoms, like the right to vote or to speak their mind. They would also share in the benefits and opportunities that society has to offer, like good schools and healthcare, and have a fair chance to succeed.

This is all pretty complicated stuff, but the bottom line is that a theory of justice is about making sure that nobody gets treated unfairly, and that everyone has the same chances to succeed in life. It's a big idea that people will keep talking about and working on for a long time to come.