ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

AARP/Blue Zones Vitality Project

Hello there! So, there's a group called AARP and they want to help people be healthy and happy. One way they are doing this is by working with something called Blue Zones. Blue Zones are places where people live long and healthy lives, usually over the age of 100!

Now, the AARP and Blue Zones people are doing something called the Vitality Project. This means they are trying to find out what makes people in these Blue Zones so healthy and happy. They are asking questions and doing research to figure out what kind of food they eat, how much exercise they get, and how they spend time with friends and family.

They hope that by learning what these people do, they can share it with others so everyone can feel healthy and happy. And who knows, maybe one day we can all live to be over 100 years old too!