ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

ABC (medicine)

ABC medicine is a special kind of medicine that helps people who are sick to feel better. It works by going into your body and helping to fight off the germs that are making you sick.

A stands for Antibiotics: These are special kind of medicines that help to kill bacteria that cause diseases like infections. Just like how soap cleans dirt off our hands, antibiotics clean bacteria from our body when we get sick.

B stands for Blood thinners: These are medicines that help to make your blood thin, which means it can flow more easily and prevent clots from forming. When blood clots form, it can be dangerous and cause heart attacks or strokes. Blood thinners help prevent this from happening.

C stands for Corticosteroids: These medicines help to reduce inflammation in your body. Inflammation is when parts of your body swell up, get red and sore. This usually happens when someone is sick or has an injury. Corticosteroids help to reduce the swelling and make you feel better.

In summary, ABC medicine is a special kind of medicine that helps to fight off illnesses caused by germs or inflammation in our bodies. It is made up of three types of medication: antibiotics that help to kill bacteria, blood thinners that help to prevent clots from forming, and corticosteroids that help to reduce swelling and inflammation.