ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

ADA Compliance Kit

Okay kiddo, so have you ever noticed that sometimes it can be hard for people with disabilities to get around or do certain things? Like maybe someone in a wheelchair might have trouble getting into a building with stairs or reading a website that doesn't work well with special tools?

Well, the ADA Compliance Kit is like a set of tools or instructions to help people make sure their buildings, websites, and other things are easier for everyone to use, even if they have disabilities. It's like a big checklist that says "hey, did you think about this? Did you make sure that someone with a disability can do this too?"

And why is this important, you might ask? It's because everyone deserves to have equal access to things, no matter who they are or what challenges they might face. So the ADA Compliance Kit helps make sure that things are fair and equal for everyone.