ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


AES31 is like a really big book, imagine it's like a huge notebook where we can write down all the things we want to say to our friends. Except, instead of writing with a pen, we use something called audio, which is the sound that we hear when we listen to our favorite songs, or when mommy or daddy talks to us.

Now, imagine we have lots of pages in our book, and we want to organize them so we can find things easier. AES31 helps us do that by putting all the audio information in the right order, so we can find it easily when we want to listen.

It's kind of like a special helper that takes care of all the audio recordings and makes sure they are in order, so we can use them in movies, TV shows, and other things we watch or listen to.

So, AES31 is like a big notebook that helps us organize audio recordings so we can use them in all kinds of fun ways!