ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

AGM-62 Walleye

The AGM-62 Walleye is a special kind of missile that grown-up people use when they go to war. It's called a guided missile because it has a special computer inside that helps it know where to go. The Walleye is not like regular missiles that just fly straight like an airplane and hit the target. Instead, it's like a smart missile that knows when to turn right or left or go up or down to get to the target. It's almost like playing a video game with a remote control but instead of playing indoors, you're playing outside with a missile.

To use the Walleye, the grown-up people first have to attach it to an airplane. Then, they have to tell the missile where it should go by putting in the target's location into the computer system. Once the missile knows where to go, the airplane takes off and flies really fast towards the target. When they get close to the target, the missile separates from the airplane and flies alone. The missile always knows the right way to go, so it can avoid anything that might get in its way, like a bird or a cloud.

The Walleye missile is special because it has a camera on the front that can take pictures of the target as it gets closer. These pictures are sent back to the airplane so that the grown-up people can see what's happening. The missile also has a big bomb inside that can do a lot of damage when it hits the target. This is a way for grown-up people to fight in a war without putting themselves in danger. Instead of going on the ground and getting into a fight with someone, they can use these smart missiles to get rid of the enemy from far away.

So, the AGM-62 Walleye missile is like a secret weapon used by grown-up people that can fly by themselves, avoid obstacles, take pictures of the target, and hit it with a big bomb. It helps keep the grown-up people safe and helps them win wars.