ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

AM Network

Okay kiddo, let's talk about a computer network. Imagine you have some toy cars and you want to play with your friends. If you only have one car, you can only play with one friend at a time. But if you have more cars, you can play with more friends at the same time by letting them use some of your cars.

Similarly, a computer network is like having many computers that can share information and resources with each other. They can do this by connecting with each other through cables or wireless signals. This allows people to work together on projects, share files, and communicate with each other easily.

Imagine you have a puzzle and your friend has the missing piece. You can ask your friend to give you the piece through the network and you can complete the puzzle together. This is called sharing resources, like sharing the pieces of the puzzle. In the same way, computers in a network can share printers or scanners, so everyone can use them.

In conclusion, a computer network basically allows us to share information and resources with others easily, just like sharing toys or objects with our friends.