ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


ARJ (Archived by Robert Jung) is a way that people can store lots of computer files all compacted into one big file. It's like putting all of your toys in a toy chest instead of leaving them scattered all over the floor. The toy chest keeps everything together and makes it easier to keep track of everything.

Now, imagine that instead of toys, you have computer files. Some of these files might be really big, like a video game that takes up lots of space. They might take up so much space that you can't save them on your computer anymore. That's where ARJ comes in. You can use it to pack up all of these files together in one big file.

When you pack up the files, they get squished down a whole bunch, making them much smaller. It's like a puzzle where you squish all of the pieces together so they take up less space. This way, you can save lots of big files in a single file that doesn't take up as much room on your computer.

Later on, when you want to use those files again, you can "unpack" them from the ARJ file. Think of it like unzipping your jacket when you're hot. When you unzip your jacket, you're making it bigger so you can take it off. When you unpack an ARJ file, you're making the computer files bigger again so you can use them like normal.

So, in summary, ARJ lets you pack up lots of computer files like toys in a toy chest, squishing them down to take up less space. This makes it easier to store them on your computer or send them to somebody else. Then when you're ready to use those files again, you can unpack them so they're big and usable.