ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

ARM Holdings

Okay, so let's say you want to play a game on your phone or use an app to talk to your friends. Your phone needs a special kind of brain to make all that happen. That's where Arm Holdings comes in.

Arm Holdings is a company that makes tiny computer brains called microprocessors, which are like the engine in a car that makes it go. These microprocessors are like tiny computers that are specifically designed to work in things like your phone, tablet, or even your smart fridge!

But instead of making those little computer brains all by themselves, Arm Holdings actually licenses their technology to other companies. Think of it like when your parents lend a toy to a friend. They still own the toy, but their friend gets to play with it for a while. Companies all over the world use Arm's technology to create gadgets and devices that we use every day.

And the cool thing about Arm Holdings' microprocessors is that they are really good at saving energy. That way your phone or other device can run longer on a single battery charge. So, when you use your phone to play that game or talk to your friends, you can thank Arm Holdings for helping make it all possible!