ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Asreml is a special computer program that helps scientists and researchers figure out how different things are related to each other. It's like a magic box that can tell you if things like height, weight, or color are linked together, and how strongly they are linked.

Imagine you have a small garden with different types of flowers. Some are tall and some are short, some are red and some are yellow. You want to know which factors affect the growth of these flowers.

Asreml can help you by analyzing all the data you have collected about your garden. It will group together all the similar characteristics of each plant, and compare them to see if they have any relationships with each other. For example, it might tell you that the taller plants tend to have more leaves, or that the red flowers need more water than the yellow ones.

In summary, asreml is a tool used by scientists to analyze their data and find out how different factors are related to each other. It's like a smart helper that can give them answers they might not have been able to find on their own.