ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aakash 2

Hi there! Do you know what a computer is? It's a machine that can help us do lots of things like play games or write stories. Aakash 2 is a special kind of computer that is made just for kids like you!

It's a little bit different than regular computers because it's smaller and easier to carry around. Plus, it has a special screen that's really good for reading and looking at pictures.

The people who made Aakash 2 wanted to make sure that all kids, no matter where they live, could have access to a computer. That's why they made it very affordable so that everyone can buy one.

What's really cool about Aakash 2 is that it has lots of educational games and programs already installed on it. So when you turn it on, you can start learning and having fun right away!

That's Aakash 2 for you. It's a special little computer that's made just for kids and helps them learn and grow.