ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aaya Ram Gaya Ram

"Aaya ram gaya ram" is a Hindi idiom that is often used to describe frequent changes in political allegiances. It means "here comes Ram, there goes Ram."

Imagine you have two best friends, Ram and Shyam. One day, Ram decides he wants to be friends with someone else and stops being friends with you and Shyam. Then, a few days later, he changes his mind and wants to be friends with you guys again. This keeps happening over and over - Ram keeps coming and going like a yo-yo. That's what "aaya ram gaya ram" means - people who can't make up their mind and keep flip-flopping between choices.

In politics, it's used to describe politicians who keep switching parties or alliances. For instance, a politician might start off supporting one party, but then switch to another party if they think they'll get more benefits or power there. They might switch back again later if things don't go their way. These kind of politicians are called "aaya ram gaya ram" because they keep coming and going, just like Ram in our imaginary friendship scenario.