ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, have you ever heard of a big word called "ablation"? It's basically a treatment that doctors use to remove or destroy certain parts of the body that are causing problems.

Say you have a tiny, pesky wart on your finger that keeps bothering you. A doctor might use a special tool to zap or freeze it off with a process called "ablation". The same goes for things like tumors or abnormal heart cells that need to be removed.

Sometimes, special materials like a laser or radiofrequency energy are used in ablation to reach the area that needs to be removed. But the goal always remains the same - to get rid of the problem without hurting the healthy parts around it.

But don't worry, little one, ablations are usually done with the help of anesthesia, which means you won't feel any pain during the process!
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