ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Abuse of information

Hi there! Do you know what information is? It's like knowledge or facts that we have in our brains or on paper or on the computer. Now, sometimes people can use information in a not so nice way, and that's called abuse of information.

Let's pretend you have a secret toy that you really like. You tell your friend about it and ask them not to tell anyone else. Your friend goes and tells everyone in your class about your secret toy. That's an abuse of your information because your friend didn't keep your secret safe like you asked them to.

On a bigger scale, companies can collect information about you, like what you search for on the internet or what you buy online. Sometimes, they use this information to try and sell you things or to show you ads. But if they collect too much information or share it with other people without your permission, that's also an abuse of your information.

So, just like how we have to keep our friend's secrets safe, companies and people should also keep our information safe and not use it in a way that we don't want.