ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so an abwurfdach is a type of roof that is designed to help things fall off of it easily. It's like when you're playing catch with a ball and you want to throw it far, you throw it up high so it can go really far. The abwurfdach roof is built kinda like that, so that things that are on top of it can easily slide or roll off.

Why would someone want this kind of roof, you might be wondering? Well, think about a place where it snows a lot. If you have a regular roof, the snow can pile up and make it really heavy. But with an abwurfdach roof, the snow can just slide right off before it has a chance to build up too much.

Abwurfdach roofs are also great for places where it rains a lot or for keeping things like leaves or pine needles from building up on your roof.

So, basically an abwurfdach roof is a special type of roof that is designed to help things fall off of it easily instead of building up on top.