ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Abya Yala

"Abya Yala" is a term that refers to the Americas before Columbus arrived. So, it's like talking about a big continent, like your bedroom or your backyard. Abya Yala was home to many Indigenous peoples who had their own languages, cultures, and ways of life. Just like how you might have different friends who come from different places and have different ways of doing things.

When Europeans came to Abya Yala, they brought a lot of changes that affected Indigenous peoples. Some of those changes were good, like sharing new foods and ideas. But some changes were bad, like forcing Indigenous peoples to change their ways of life and taking their land. It's like if someone came and took your toys, your bed, and your home away from you. Indigenous peoples are still fighting for their rights and to be recognized for their contributions to Abya Yala and the world. So, it's important to learn about Abya Yala and respect Indigenous peoples and their ways of life.