ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Academic relations between Iran and the United States

Imagine you have two friends, Iran and the United States, who used to play together all the time. But one day, they had a big disagreement and stopped being friends. They didn't talk or play together anymore.

Years went by and they grew up, but they still didn't want to make up and be friends again. They even stopped going to each other's birthday parties and stopped sharing toys.

But as they became adults, some people thought it would be a good idea if they started being friends again. So they tried to work things out and talk to each other. Sometimes they had good meetings and sometimes they had bad meetings.

They also tried to agree on how they would act around each other. Sometimes they agreed on things, but sometimes they didn't. So they kept trying and talking to each other until they made progress.

Now, they still sometimes disagree, but they have started to talk and do things together sometimes. They are not best friends yet, but they are trying to work things out and be friends again.